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About Us

Our Purpose

Our purpose at JesusForSinners.com is to glorify God, Yahweh, the God of The Bible, The One True God.

We strive to share the grand news of salvation made possible by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is the manifestation of God; God in the flesh.

We unashamedly tell people that the holiness and justice of God demands punishment for the crimes we’ve all committed against Him. We tell of His grace and mercy in providing the Sacrifice necessary for our sins, His Son, Jesus. We tell of the eternal, conscious torment and punishment awaiting all those who refuse to turn from their sins (repent) and believe in the amazing grace provided to all through Jesus Christ.


What We Believe

We believe that the 66 books of The Bible are 100% accurate. We believe that all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

We believe in six literal days of creation, a global flood, miracles, the bodily death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and His glorious return for His church and His judgement upon the unbelieving world.

We believe that God means what He says when He tells us to turn from our sins and believe in Jesus to obedience. While obedience to God is not the means of salvation, it is the evidence of salvation. Those who profess to be Christians yet continue in willful sin, chase after sin, excuse and trivialize sin and call into question the veracity of The Bible in order to do it; should adhere to God’s command and test themselves to be sure they are in the faith.

We believe in salvation through the sovereign grace of God alone, manifested by Christ alone, for the complete forgiveness of sins. We believe that regeneration is the evidence of salvation.


What We Try To Do

We strive to share this glorious Gospel with an unbelieving world and to those who may think themselves saved but have no fruits to confirm their assertion.

We share this good news through personal evangelism, printed materials, and digital media. We sow The Word of God locally in the Seattle area as well as to those around the world that God leads to this website.

May God be praised in all He allows us to do to serve Him!